1. 新建虚拟机时选择Other Linux。
  2. 按照Arch Wiki进行安装。
  3. pacman -S xorg gnome
  4. vim /etc/gdm/custom.conf
  5. 去掉禁用Wayland注释。
  6. Go to the kmods directory (cd ~/parallels_fixed/kmods) and extract the files (tar -xzf prl_mod.tar.gz)
  7. Remove prl_mod.tar.gz file from that directory (rm prl_mod.tar.gz)
  8. Find this file: ~/<your-folder-goes-here>/kmods/prl_fs/SharedFolders/Guest/Linux/prl_fs/prlfs.h
  9. Modify the file by going to line 16 and inserting a new line. Add this text: #include <uapi/linux/mount.h>
  10. The file should now look like this. Save and exit.
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <uapi/linux/mount.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
  1. Go to the kmods directory (cd ~/parallels_fixed/kmods) and re-zip the files: tar -zcvf prl_mod.tar.gz . dkms.conf Makefile.kmods In case you missed it, yes that is a period(.) sitting there by itself and necessary.
  2. Go to the installer directory cd ~/parallels_fixed/installer
  3. Sudo chmod the script files: install-cli.sh (and others) to be executable eg. sudo chmod 777 *.sh
  4. Then run that file with: sudo ./install-cli.sh -i --verbose
  5. Reboot when it's finished.
文章作者: Blink Chen
版权声明: 本站所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 kingcyk's Blog